Scia Engineer Tips & Tricks Movies

Here you will find some tips & tricks movies explaining some of the new functionalities within Scia Engineer. Enjoy your learning session...
Nemetschek Scia

  Table Input
Scia Engineer Movie Table columns How to manage a property column in the Table input tool. Table Input Scia Engineer    
Scia Engineer Movie Copy row How to copy a row with a member .
Scia Engineer Movie Mathematic formula How to use a simple mathematic formulas in the Table input.
Scia Engineer Movie New member Inserting of a new member by the Table input.
Scia Engineer Movie Predefined properties How to predefine properties for a new member.
Scia Engineer Movie Table and MS Excel How to use the clipboard managment between Table input and MS Excel
Scia Engineer Movie Table highlights (from 2011.1) Highlighting tool in the table input and it's displaying in the 3D window
Scia Engineer Movie Filtering (2013) The Table input filter can be used for searching a specific member.


  Automated General Arrangement Drawings
Scia Engineer Movie How to start How to start the GA drawings functionality. Scia Engineer
Scia Engineer Movie Libraries default settings Location of GA drawings libraries and their default settings.
Scia Engineer Movie Creating new drawing rules How to define totally new drawing rules for a specific structure. The final drawing is modified in the next tutorial.
Scia Engineer Movie Adapting drawing rules How to adapt already existing drawing rules - more colours, more line styles...
Scia Engineer Movie Hatching How to define hatching in the drawing view.
Scia Engineer Movie Drawing rules for openings How to generate openings on edges and inner openings in 2D members.
Scia Engineer Movie Drawing Manager - Autorefresh Automatic refresh of newly created “plane section entities” in the Drawing manager.


  Easy Modelling
Scia Engineer Movie Tracking ray Easy way to create a whole model using tracking rays. Table Input Scia Engineer
Scia Engineer Movie Tracking line Using tracking rays in copy command and using tracking lines.
Scia Engineer Movie Fast copy of members Copying of members using CTRL without Copy command.
Scia Engineer Movie Move only in working plane How to insert members only into the working plane even in 3D model.
Scia Engineer Movie Commands and shortcuts (2013) How to define and work with shortcuts in Scia Engineer?


  Export & Import Tricks
Scia Engineer Movie Export to IFC How to export the file from Scia Engineer (version 2010.1) to the IFC file. Exported file is used in the next tutorial. Table Input Scia Engineer
Scia Engineer Movie Import from IFC How to import and adapt structure from the IFC file using align tool. (Scia Engineer version 2010.1)
Scia Engineer Movie Import / Export DWG 2011 How to import and export DWG files created in AutoCAD 2011.


Scia Engineer Movie Loading .LID How to load .LID file to the Scia Activation Manager. Table Input Scia Engineer
Scia Engineer Movie Borrowing modules How to borrow modules from movies/protection server and how to return them back.

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